Can my pc run totally accurate battle simulator
Can my pc run totally accurate battle simulator

can my pc run totally accurate battle simulator

Totally Accurate Battle Simulator’s 1.0 release is joined by three other launches - again, in the spirit of April Fools’ Day, but all three very much real products.

can my pc run totally accurate battle simulator

“We have always wanted to add multiplayer to the game, so it’s great to be able to deliver that as a surprise for 1.0.” “The number one requested feature has been multiplayer, despite it never having been on the public roadmap,” Wilhelm Nylund, a designer at Landfall and the studio’s chief executive, told Polygon. So far, it’s been a single-player-only game. Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, broadly speaking, allows the player to set up two armies - pirates with cannons and cavemen with mastodons are among the factions - and let them duke it out to settle an eternal who-would-win question, for science. TABS, which launched in Steam Early Access two years ago, will get multiplayer and two new factions with the 1.0 release. Despite the game’s jovial nature and ironic title, the studio says this is not an April Fools’ Day announcement. Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, the ragdoll-physics, set-’em-up-and-watch-’em-fight game from Landfall, makes a full version 1.0 launch today.

Can my pc run totally accurate battle simulator