If there are some anti-bot secret agents investigating under cover, it doesn't seem like their efforts have led to a reduction of botting in-game. It's against the rules to post bot distribution sites on the official forum, so I'm not sure whether the few remaining bot fighters are aware of this site. It's been running since 2009, and IAH seems to be ignoring it, so I don't think I'm blowing any investigation by pointing at it now. ge. seems to be one of the major new sources. Yet after every patch, Granado Espada players were easily getting new bot scripts. Since I don't bot, and I don't ask for details from people who do, I was only vaguely aware that another bot distribution forum had replaced. Since IAH hadn't done anything yet, it followed that IAH would never do anything without a community consensus in the form of outcry on the forum: and just because IAH preferred to close one eye doesn't mean forum members were in any way obliged to play along.

Unfortunately, IAH had by then developed a reputation for round-filing tickets, and had been common knowledge for years. One of the most famous "heated" discussions was when a player posted a screenshot of faction chat that revealed the in-game identity of the guy who ran the main bot script distribution web site ( either or ai factory or both), As far as I know, IAH never took any action against the bot-distributor or searched for any successors to, but I do remember irked GMs scurrying about admonishing everyone to quietly send in tickets instead of raising such controversial (and legal question-raising) topics in public. It's just to easy for IAH to stamp out "heated" discussion on the forum instead of dealing with the problems that fueling that discussion. I really can't blame them, though, since IAH so thoroughly stacked the deck against legit players. There have been a few minor scandals when a high-profile player was "outed" as a botter, and some players who continue to inveigh against botting have given into what they see as the realities of Singapore un-management of Granado Espada: nothing is sadder than running across one of the forum admins botting in-game. Most of the forum community maintains an anti-botting stance. IAH itself was persuaded by this argument, and infamously chose to "close one eye" rather than enforce either it's own Terms of Service or the anti-cheat terms of the contract they signed with the Granado Espada's developers, IMC (Sample contract here). After all, if everyone bots, then those who protest are going against the will of the community and ratting out their game brothers.

Iahed Granado Espada is the only mmorpg I've ever played where the majority of players bot, and many feel it's a greater moral wrong to report botters than to cheat.